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Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Dealing with rejection.

Hi, as I seem to have blagged my way onto writing for Rooha, I thought my first piece should be on rejection. Now, I'm sure that you've all had your fair share of knockbacks, we all have, but it seems that some things don't change. Hell, I bet even Tom Cruise had a few ladies turning him down because he was "too good to be true." (and, well.... Scientology is just that proof of this.)

But back to the real world where problems cannot simply be forgotten by throwing an incomprehensible amount of money at it, (or just putting it down to those bloody aliens) And I don't really want to touch on relationships, mainly because I'd be here all day. However, elsewhere in life we encounter rejection all the time, whether it be being last to be picked for the school team at any particular event, be it football, chess, kiss-chase... (I'm still not 100% au fait with the rules on the last one, although perhaps that helps to explain my multiple issues with girls.)

The real crimes against your being, the metaphorical slap in the face, or kick in the balls (I feel that really helps to conjure an image of true unadulterated hurt) is when you have done something, that in your heart you know will come back and nibble at your conscience. Such examples, (and I'll use some from personal experience) are;

1. Maintaining a lie, usually to family; but always somebody who knows you well enough to eek out the truth. One such example, I decided that instead of showing my maturity when producing the most godawful smelling fart in existence, I calmly blamed my dog, and kept blaming my dog for around a week. He was left outside for a number of nights, and my guilt was in overdrive. (sorry Chip...)

2. Hearing the immortal words... "I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed in you". This sentence, and it truly is a sentence as you find yourself searching for comebacks and excuses, has to, be the most rejecting and painful thing that a parent can say.

3. Last but not least, relationships. I know what you're saying, 'but you said leave it for another time?!' Well, you've misquoted somewhat, but the point remains, rejection from a potential significant other, is so undeniably crushing that I think it may even beat point 2, let's face it, there's only so many times you can be told, "it's not you, it's me".

So, my philosophy to life is, eventually I'll have to deal with the consequences of my actions, but for now everything is top gun.

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